CRU (Crust) Introduction

 New Listings    |      2020-09-21

1. Brief Introduction

Crust provides a decentralized storage network of Web3 ecosystem. It supports multiple storage layer protocols such as IPFS, and exposes storage interfaces to application layer. Crust's technical stack is also capable of supporting a decentralized computing layer. It is designed to build a decentralized cloud ecosystem that values data privacy and ownership.

2. Detailed Introduction

Crust provides a decentralized storage network of Web3 ecosystem. It is developed based on Polkadot’s Substrate technical framework, and will be launched as decentralized storage parachain of Polkadot. Crust is member of Web3 Bootcamp and Substrate Builders Program, and has received Web3 grant from Web3 Foundation.

Crust supports multiple storage layer protocols such as IPFS and FastDFS. Crust’s MPoW (Meaningful Proof of Work) leverages TEE technologies to generate proof of Nodes’ storage work reliably. Its GPoS is derived from PoS consensus, with adding the guarantee mechanism and process.

The native token CRU is a utility token representing the value of the entire network, similar to ETH in Ethereum or DOT in Polkadot. CRU tokens has following functions:
1. Staking to maintain the GPoS consensus of the network
2. Used to guarantee the selected nodes
3. Serving as contract collateral and commission for providing resource services
4. Serving as a transaction fee for using the network
5. Used to purchase resource services
6. Used for election and voting of on-chain governance mechanism, and vote on proposals

3. Token Allocation

  • Token Sale: 5,000,000 CRU (25%)
  • BD & Marketing: 2,000,000 CRU (10%)
  • Community Development: 5,000,000 CRU (25%)
  • Foundation Reservation: 4,000,000 CRU (20%)
  • Technical Team: 4,000,000 CRU (20%)

4. Token Information and Release Schedule

  • Total supply: 200,000,000 CRU
  • Current circulating supply: 1,000,000 CRU
  • Release Rules
  • Seed Round: 5% of the total circulation, 1 CRU = 0.5 USDT, fully locked and will remain locked within half a year after MainNet goes live, and will be unlocked linearly within 18 months afterwards.
  • Private Sale Release: 10% of the total circulation. 1 CRU= 1~2 USDT. 15% of the sold tokens this round are circulable, others locked. The locked tokens will be linearly unlocked within 18 months after MainNet goes live.
  • Team Release: Fully locked and will be linearly unlocked within 24 months after MainNet goes live.
  • Foundation:Fully locked and will be linearly unlocked within 24 months after MainNet goes live.

5. Related links

All the above information is provided by CRU (Crust).